Thursday, 19 November 2015

Counter Strike Global Offensive: TPD RainbowDash

Last Edited By: Denzel Lim & Steven Desdon R. & Louis Stilbert (on 14th April 2016)
The top center shows the profile picture of TPD RainbowDash  updated as in 8th February 2016.

The above picture is the profile picture of TPD RainbowDash from 1st July 2015 onwards till 19th November 2015, and it is also the profile picture used in ESL competitions, in-house Singapore legendary eagle split cup game, and Faceit Competitions.

The above picture shows the player's impression of his team when he left Team PonyDash and tournamental games to further his studies, updated as on 30th Jan 2016.
On the 28th December 2015, he announced that he is resigned from quarter tournament games to further his studies. On the 15th January 2016, he appeared in the Interhouse school gaming competitions 2016 as a Guest-Of-Honour to share his experiences in csgo and event planning days.

Real Name: Scamp Chan (in the internet )
Real Name 2: Benjamin Chan (in real life )
In game name: TPD RainbowDash
Gross Profit from tournaments in 2015 current: $519+/-(Counter Strike: Global Offensive)
Gross Profit from tournaments in 2013: $350+/- (Wolfteam clan battle cirque de clate: global 2013)
Gross Profit from tournaments in 2014: $50+/- (Blackshot semi finals: Team puppies VS Team ZeniQuE, lost)
Gross Profit from competitions in 2015: $150+/- (The Forest: BEST build award 2015 for the world's biggest alpha fortress build.)

Clans: IsolatedDeath (Clan master from 1st June 2015 to 1st September 2015)

Team HuskyRivals (Contingency Member)(2nd September 2015 - 31st September 2015)
Team Say Your Prayers  (Awper) (1st October 2015 - 15th October 2015)
Team IsolatedRebirth  ( Lurker)  (15th September 2015)
Team PonyDash (major member involvement) (1st November 2015 to current)
Team Exigency (2nd team major player) (16th October 2015 to 27th December 2015)

Best map: Dust 2, Inferno, Cache
Worst map: Train, Mirage
Favourite Gun: Awp
Role:  (Team Exigency ) Secondary Awper, Lurker
(Team PonyDash ) Flanker, rifler
(Team IsolatedDeath) Caller, Lead Awper
Country Origin: Malaysia (SEA05)
Country Living now: Singapore
Gender: Male
Age: Not to be disclosed.
Rank skills in csgo: ???
Rank currently: ???

TPD RainbowDash (Scamp) is currently a quarter local in-house tournamental player of counter strike: global offensive. He have resigned from being a semi tournamental player in Singapore due to furthering his studies and thus going to occassional tournament games. He is best known for his name in his rank during Global Elite as the first person who set a pony name at that rank during early 2015 into competitions and tournaments, having multiple registered team such as IsolatedDeath, HuskyRivals and Team PonyDash. TPD RainbowDash faced heavy opponents from Global Elite Teams such as Inchor from Faceit.

He is currently in the team:  Team PonyDash, as an awper / static player, he resigned from Team Exigency on the 27th December 2015 for future plans. On the 28th December 2015, he announced to Faceit and ESEA that he is resigning from professional quarter local tournamental games to further his studies.

Youtube Channel
TPD RainbowDash is  known for his YouTube channel from Bolt The Puppy Productions, for signing a contract deal for video montage of the different types of teams that included him. The highest view he got was however low due to no promotion of channel at all. He is currently signed to another video production to help him record his past best performances of games with his own named production. TPD RainbowDash is still on counter strike global offensive. His steam profile still remains confidential.

Csgo Life
"You may not know me. Just like how I thought the person in front of me now is my friend, who is a minister in Singapore. It's embarrassing I know. In csgo life, there will be people who hate you, and there will be people who will always remembers you and support you. We are glad that we won once in tournaments as its the best achievement in our life recently in csgo........remember the days of csgo always reminds me of the days in blackshot inhouse competitions....won the interhouse games few years back.....If ever there's a time someone met me and calls my name out, I know they are the ones who are my true friends."
~TPD RainbowDash as recorded in 9th January 2015, at an interview room.

Favourite song: You're gonna go far kid by the offspring/ You're gonna go far kid cover by rainbowdash  / The Nights by avicii

Past matches in tournaments:

September 2015: Team PonyDash  Vs Rebellious Onlaws (best of 1, inferno ) (team ponydash won with 16-13)

14th October 2015: Team Exigency VS Team MLG (Best of 1, cache, team Exigency won with 16-7)   Link available:

25th October 2015: Team PonyDash VS IlluminatiUSA (Best of 1, Nuke, IlluminatiUSA won with 16-7)

2nd November 2015: Team Exigency VS Inchor (Best of 1, Cache, Inchor won with 16-4)

20th November 2015: (small tournament) HuskyRivals VS Rascals (4 LEM mix of 1 mg1) VS (Full LEM Team)(Best of 1, Dust 2, HuskyRivals won with 16-10)

28th November 2015: (MAJOR tournament) HuskyRivals VS PonyDash (3SMFC 2 LEM VS 3SMFC 2 LEM) (THIS GAME IS live in rainbowdash channel, over 1,200 viewers.)
(Best of 5, Dust 2, Cache, Train, Nuke, Cobblestone)
Dust 2: 16-14(HuskyRivals Won)
Cache:13-16(PonyDash Won)
Train: 5-16 (PonyDash Won)
Nuke: 16-13(HuskyRivals Won)
Cobblestone: 17-19 (PonyDash Won)

Overall, PonyDash won the best of 5 split cup alliance championship.

Total 6 competitions played from this person's history records.

In-House friendly competitions by TPD RainbowDash:
1) Team IsolatedDeath VS OrientDynasty (16-2)(Best of 1 Cobblestone, July 2015)

2)Team IsolatedDeath VS InfraRedPuppies (16-11)(5-16)(16-14)(Best of 3, Dust 2, Nuke, Mirage, Starting of June 2015)

3)PonyDash VS FpsTrans (12-16)(Best of 1 Inferno, July 2015)

4)PonyDash VS The Pikachu FanTeam (15-15. Overtime score: 3-1)(Cache, November 2015)

5)HuskyRival VS CatRivals (14-16)(Train, September 2015)

6) HuskyRival VS Singapore competitive teams (5-16)(Best of 1 Dust 2)

*7)PonyDash VS PonyRivals *Note: PonyRivals have a heavy rival relationship with PonyDash. (16-13)(Best of 1 Inferno , 20th November 2015)

*8)PonyDash VS Team MLP *Note: This game is played in a cybergames area. Team members were not officially choosen for Team MLP. (Best of 1 Dust 2, 14-16, 20th November 2015, 12.00noon)

*9)PonyDash VS Marksman *Note: This game is played in a cybergames area. Team members were not officially choosen for Team Marksman. (Best of 1 Mirage, 16-10, 21st November 2015, 11.00am)

10) PonyDash VS Deutronomy(This game is a gathering of Team PonyDash back on live.) (16-10)(Best of 1 Overpass, 27th January 2016)

11) 29th January 2016: Team PonyDash: Scootaloo VS Team PonyDash: RainbowDash (Single Faceoff Invitation Game Young Talenters) (TPD RainbowDash won with 16-9, Best of deathmatch: Safehouse)

12)  5th February 2016: Duo Faceoff Malaysia games (Team PonyDash: Scootaloo & RainbowDash  VS Team HuskyRivals Patchthe101Dog and TimmyFamous5Dog) (Team HuskyRivals won with 16-13) (Dust 2)

Teams that are under TPD/TXG RainbowDash:
Note that all stats are based of tournament and friendly games performances.

Team Exigency stats in tournaments:
1win , 1lose
Best map: Cache
Worst map: inferno
Nemesis Team: ??
Allies: None
Team Exigency never played with Nxl, illuminatiUSA, Rebellious Onlaws before.

Team PonyDash stats in tournaments:
Best map: Dust 2
Worst map: Nuke
Nemesis Team: PonyRivals
Allies: HuskyRivals
Team PonyDash never played with Nxl, Reasons, Fnatic, SGP Island, Deutronomy

HuskyRivals stats in tournaments:
4 win, 1 lose
Best Map: Dust 2
Worst map: Train
Nemesis Team: Team Undeniatized
Allies: Team PonyDash